Metadata Schema

The following is an abridged version of the documentation for our metadata schema, which specifies: (1) the term name of an element, (2) the label name of an element, (3) the definition or meaning of an element, (4) the type of metadata that an element expresses (e.g. administrative), and (5) the Dublin Core metadata element to which an element is most closely related. The full documentation can be accessed here.


Term Name:   title
Label   Title
Definition   The title or name of the physical photograph.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   title (


Term Name:   creator
Label   Creator
Definition   The name of the photographer or company that created the physical photograph.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   creator (


Term Name:   date
Label   Date
Definition   The year the physical photograph was taken.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   created (


Term Name:   description
Label   Description
Definition   A description of that which is depicted in the physical photograph.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   description (


Term Name:   historical_Background
Label   Historical Background
Definition   A brief overview of the historical background or context of the physical photograph.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   description (


Term Name:   subject
Label   Subjects
Definition   The subject matter that is depicted by the physical photograph.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   subject (


Term Name:   location
Label   Location
Definition   The geographical location in which the physical photograph was taken.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   Location (


Term Name:   latitude
Label   Latitude
Definition   The latitude coordinate of the geographical location in which the physical photograph was taken.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   Location (


Term Name:   longitude
Label   Longitude
Definition   The longitude coordinate of the geographical location in which the physical photograph was taken.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   Location (


Term Name:   dpla_record
Label   DPLA Record
Definition   The URL for the DPLA webpage that serves as the secondary record of the physical photograph.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   identifier (


Term Name:   dpla_collection
Label   DPLA Collection
Definition   The name(s) of the DPLA collection(s) to which the secondary record of the physical photograph belongs.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   isPartOf (


Term Name:   source_record
Label   Digital Surrogate Record
Definition   The URL for the webpage that serves as the primary record of the physical photograph.
Type   Descriptive
Related DC   identifier (


Term Name:   digital_surrogate_provenance
Label   Digital Surrogate Provenance
Definition   The name of the main digital repository or database that holds the digital surrogate of the physical photograph.
Type   Administrative (provenance)
Related DC   provenance (


Term Name:   photograph_provenance
Label   Photograph Provenance
Definition   The name of the repository that holds the physical photograph.
Type   Administrative (provenance)
Related DC   provenance (


Term Name:   rights
Label   Rights
Definition   The rights that belong to the digital surrogate of the physical photograph.
Type   Administrative (rights)
Related DC   rights (


Term Name:   format
Label   Format
Definition   The format of the image file of the digital surrogate of the physical photograph.
Type   Technical
Related DC   format (


Term Name:   file_size
Label   File Size
Definition   The size of the image file of the digital surrogate of the physical photograph.
Type   Technical
Related DC   extent (


Term Name:   image_dimensions
Label   Image Dimensions
Definition   The dimensions of the image that serves as the digital surrogate of the physical photograph, specified in pixels.
Type   Technical
Related DC   format (


Term Name:   original_digital_collection
Label   Digital Surrogate Collection
Definition   The name of the digital collection to which the primary record of the physical photograph belongs.
Type   Structural
Related DC   isPartOf (